Monday, January 10, 2011


Sippi is trying to figure what this "white stuff" is falling in HER backyard!!! LOL

I love the way our house looks with snow!

down the pretty!

we have this game we play when it snows....I throw her in, otherwise, she would never get her paws dirty!!

now she's enjoying it!! :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Welcome to 2011!!! Here are my goals for 2011:
1. Lose more weight!
2. Walk more, use my bicycle, and do the WII Fit...
3. Get pregnant.....I hope this is my year!
4. DON'T have foot surgery!
5. Get my lymphedema under control.
6. Travel more.
7. Get more organized at school.
8. Keep up with my flowerbeds.
9. Get another doggie.
who knows....I might add more to my list but this is a great start! What goals do YOU have for the new year?