Wednesday, February 1, 2012

science fair, reading, life….


Here is our science fair project.  We did this as a class.  It is from Deanna Jump’s Snowmen Unit. The kids had a blast melting their “snow” in their little baggies.  I have to admit, it made me want to pull my hair out because it was so.dang.noisy!  We learned about how the friction in our hands would make it melt more.  Well, we won first place in our grade!!!  One of them said the next day, “Mrs. Wright, thank you for helping us win first place!”. Melt my heart!!!

I *think* we might be winning in our reading competition!  My kids are reading like their hair is on fire!  And this happy teacher is loving it! (not because we’re winning, but because they are EXCITED about reading!!)  We might have to do this once a month!

In non teaching related news, my life has been turned upside down or so it feels.  There are things happening at school, not with the kids but with adults.  You see, some people need to put on their big girl panties.  There, I said it.  Plus, my sister and I had a huge fight  misunderstanding.  Today I went to the doctor and I think I am about to start fertility drugs again.  My hubby will refer to it as no-ass-itol.  I guess I can be quite bitchy moody when I am on them.  Oh well, maybe everything will work out. 

129 more days until we cruise!!!!!! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is awesome that your kids are reading so much!
First Grade Blue Skies