Tuesday, February 1, 2011

a whole lotta nothing....

I can't believe it has been so long since I have posted!!! I have been so behind. Today it's a snow day. Well, ice day really. There's not much snow at my house. The roads are messy. So, it's just me and my two favorite people, Stephen and Sippi.

This past weekend I went to Nacogdoches to spend time with the family. I also got my hair cut and colored by someone new and he did a fabulous job and made me laugh a bunch too. He is so stinkin' funny! And he was SO much cheaper than my girl here. It was also my mom and dad's 42nd wedding anniversary.

Umm....this past weekend was also emotional for me. We ALMOST got a new puppy. She was very sweet. (an 8 month old cockapoo) Her name was Paisley. It just totally didn't work out. I had her for a night. I came to the realization that I couldn't have a new dog right now. The timing was just not right. I am so very sad though. Does anyone want a new cockapoo? I would love for her to have a new mommy!

School is going ok. I still can't catch up. I don't know if I ever will! That's about it for me.....

1 comment:

Elise said...

Can you ever TRULY catch up when you're a teacher?! I know I can't! Enjoy your snow day! It's just rainy here in GA.